
Golden State Today

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Freedom Foundation blames unions for schools remaining closed

There's still a debate raging on whom to blame for the continued closures of schools in California. But as the conservative think-tank Freedom Foundation points out, a large part of the blame should go to school union organizations, according to RedState.

Just last week, the California Teachers Association (CTA) came up with an advertising blitz defending its support of continued school closures. Many people, including parents of children missing part of their formative educational years, saw the ad as tone-deaf and full of COVID-19 fear-mongering.

A commenter on the YouTube video of the CTA TV commercial "Safety First," wrote, "many schools in CA that don’t have teachers in your union have already safely reopened: private schools, public schools in various districts, Catholic and religious schools, also schools in other states and other countries."

The Freedom Foundation listed a number of signs pointing to the real human cost of school closures. This includes a 24 percent increase in mental health-related hospital admissions from kids age 5 to 11 years old compared to the same period last year.

"In blue states like California, we know how much influence the teachers' unions have been able to purchase, and we know it’s an uphill fight," Freedom Foundation said.